"...owe each other a terrible compassion." -- what a powerful, gorgeous use of language. I would not have thought to put the words "terrible" and "compassion" next to one another like this... exquisite.
this is such a powerful use of words, kinda like the words "God awful" i never knew what the words could mean- much less embraced until there was a space to hold the dualities. a terrible compassion is such a space holder.
2007-2008: ...and so, for her thirtieth year, she is embarking upon a pilgrimage abroad...teaching english at a university in south korea, making her way to ancient buddhist temples nestled high in the mountains where monks and nuns rise early to chant and pray, relying on the kindness of strangers and a lightness of heart, and meeting challenges and fears along the way that she is ever-so-ready to befriend.
2008-2009: ...and now, for a second year, she is returning to korea....to her high rise sanctuary and an abundance of red pepper paste...to a vibrant, growing community of friends, students and colleagues...to not a day going by without some measure of surprise and unexpected kindness.
herein lies her journey...
"...owe each other a terrible compassion." -- what a powerful, gorgeous use of language. I would not have thought to put the words "terrible" and "compassion" next to one another like this... exquisite.
this is such a powerful use of words, kinda like the words "God awful" i never knew what the words could mean- much less embraced until there was a space to hold the dualities. a terrible compassion is such a space holder.
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