when the canvas frays in the currach of thought and a stain of ocean blackens beneath you, may there come across the waters a path of yellow moonlight to bring you safely home.
may the nourishment of the earth be yours, may the clarity of light be yours, may the fluency of the ocean be yours, may the protection of the ancestors be yours. and so may a slow wind work these words of love around you, an invisible cloak to mind your life."
this poem was written several years ago by john o'donohue as a blessing for his mother when his father passed away. john donohue died in his sleep at the age of 52 on january 3, 2008...he was a lover and devotee of beauty, believing that it is beauty that calls us to become into the fullness of our being. from connemara, ireland, the wildness of the landscape dances through his poetry, his perspective and his soul. his interview, "the inner landscape of beauty," on "speaking of faith" with krista tippett is purely heart-opening and springs from that place of deep authenticity where both sorrow and joy reside, in a well of inseparability....you can't help but feel it. you may hear o'donohue reading "beannacht" by clicking on the title above.
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