Friday, December 19, 2008

homeward bound

i fly back to the u.s. tomorrow morning bright and early. this week, as i've been packing and buzzing around taking care of all that has needed to be done before leaving korea for two months, i have felt a true mix of emotions. sheer joy at the thought of reuniting with loved ones again and pedaling around berkeley on my bicycle! meandering through the farmer's markets, watching the tulips bloom in much sweetness ahead. and at the same time as my heart has been carrying me around on wings of delightful anticipation, i have also noticed how i will really miss this place...this country that has been a second home to me for a year and a half now. it's faces like these and moments of overflowing generosity and pure gorgeousness, korean style, that i will miss more than words can say. i feel so grateful for the bounty in my life. everywhere i turn, there is love.


Anonymous said...

I Just checked your blog for the first time in many months....Are you Home!!!!?

budh.aaah said...

I hope you enjoy ur 2 months and then are back to enjoy some more..all the best